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Love in Action is a social action group based at Brentwood Cathedral whose work is rooted in the Gospel and the Church’s social teachings. We are committed in putting love into action and are currently undertaking two social action projects detailed below as well as organising Foodbank collections and supporting our twinned parish, Maria Ratschitz, Diocese of Dundee, South Africa.
All Are Welcome!
The first social action project is based on the inclusion of all as it sits at the heart of the Church’s social teaching. The aim of “All Are Welcome” is to build a more inclusive community, where everyone is welcome. On the first Friday of each month, between 1.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m., everyone is welcome to come along to the small parish hall for a drink and something sweet to relax, chat and meet friends, old and new. The afternoon is open to all ages and to those who are parishioners and those who are not. It is free to attend and if you would like more information please contact [email protected] or call 07941 471503.
- All Are Welcome group
Green Guardians
The second social action project is a response to Pope Francis’s ‘Laudato Si’ which calls us to care for our common home. Pope Francis asks us to reflect on the world around us and to open our eyes and see how God is present throughout creation. It is also important that we take responsibility for our actions now, because their consequences will have a long-lasting effect on future generations. Thus, the Green Guardians is a group that is committed to caring for our common home. We seek to raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage the community to engage in practical change by, for example, installing a bicycle rack on the Cathedral grounds as well as recycling bins in the Parish Hall. If you would like to find out more please contact us at [email protected]
Taking action is central for both groups. In providing a space where friendships can be fostered, the All Are Welcome group are helping to spread God’s message of love. By organising a panel discussion, the Green Guardians are stimulating the conversation about our Christian duty to address environmental issues while encouraging the community to live more sustainably. Collectively known as Love in Action, these two groups are united in their goal to spread love and joy to all of God’s creation. We would very much like to involve as many people as we can in both these projects so please do get in contact if you would like to take part in any way, no matter how small. The Love in Action group meets monthly (normally on the last Wednesday of each month but please do check the latest newsletter available on the parish website before setting out to the meeting).

Love in Action
Be Inspired – Parish Meeting
10 October 2019