Support the people of Ukraine

Caritas Diocese of Brentwood is here in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Caritas Ukraine, and Caritas agencies in neighbouring countries, are already helping people affected by this conflict so what can we do in the UK and within our Diocese to help?
Housing Refugees: click for the latest information.
Ukrainians remain resilient despite the circumstances of the war, but they are in the throes of a harsh winter. For that reason a new Emergency Winter Appeal has been launched to provide food packages for the most vulnerable on the frontlines and in recently liberated regions in East and South Ukraine which is suffering from a severe humanitarian crisis.
The cost of one food parcel, providing enough food for two people for a week costs approximately £16. Each package contains the basics (grains, flour, pasta, meat and fish preserves, oil, canned vegetables, sugar, tea coffee, biscuits, etc.)
It is hoped that £160,00 can be raised allow the supply of 10,000 food parcels to those most in need and I ask that you and your parishioners will consider supporting this Emergency Winter Appeal.
Funds can be remitted to:
Account Name: Ukrainian Catholic Church Central Fund
Account Number: 20927317
Sort Code: 20-92-60
Or by cheques made payable to Ukrainian Catholic Church referencing Winter Appeal in both cases. The address for cheques is Ukrainian Catholic Church in Great Britain, 22 Binney Street, London, W1K 5BQ.
Other ways to donate:
Below are other direct links to donate money to verified organisations assisting people in Ukraine’s conflict zones.
- DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal via CAFOD: To go to the donation page click here
- Caritas Ukraine: To go to the donation page click here
- Caritas Internationalis: To go to the donation page click here
Why not consider how your school or parish could take part in some creative fundraising, as another way to support the people of Ukraine. This is a great way to share the value of doing things for others, inspiring people, and strengthening ties within your local community. Schools and parishes across the Diocese have already been coming up with some great ideas from hosting soup kitchens, making ribbons and selling badges, having bake sales, hosting quizzes and raffles, sponsored walks, and organising non-uniform days. Please email us and let us know what you are doing to fundraise so we can share this good news with the Diocese also.
To see what people have already done, click here
Pope Francis has encouraged us to have a particular time of prayer during this season of Lent, focused on those in areas of conflict currently. He says “Our prayer and fasting will be a plea for peace in Ukraine, bearing in mind that peace in the world always begins with our personal conversion, following Christ.
“O Lord, you see in secret, and you reward us beyond our every expectation. Hear the prayers of those who trust in you, especially the lowly, those sorely tried, and those who suffer and flee before the roar of weapons. Restore peace to our hearts; once again, grant your peace to our days. Amen.”