Lenten Giving Calendar

Within our Diocese, we are blessed with both rural and urban areas, from the natural countryside to modern cityscapes. The soaring cost of living and inflation has affected us all in various ways, but most of all for those on the lowest incomes or those living in rural areas where public transport is not available and the choice to pay for fuel over food is an impossible decision. The Lenten Giving Calendar is designed to encourage people to collect items that can be placed into a box or container, topped with an Easter Egg, and then donated to your local foodbank just in time for Holy Week. Foodbanks are there to support anyone in need, no matter the reason and your food and essential donations can ensure that food banks continue to provide emergency parcels, as well as practical and emotional support.
If you need assistance finding your local foodbank, please search on the Trussell Trust Website by clicking here
Whether you are an individual, family, catechist, chaplain, teacher, or Parish Priest, please do let us know if and how you are taking part by emailing [email protected]
You can download a poster version of the calendar here or an image version here.
- Meaningful Chocolate: Fairtrade Easter Egg & 24 page Easter activity book meaningfulchocolate.co.uk
- Caritas: Sponsored Sleepout to raise money for the homeless caritasbrentwood.org/sleepout
- SVP: Lenten Campaign youtube video and leaders guide canva.com/design/SVP
- CAFOD: The Big Lent Walk: walk.cafod.org.uk
- CAFOD: Lent resources cafod.org.uk/Education/Primary-teaching-resources/Lent-resources
- Million Minutes: SiLENT campaign millionminutes.org/silent-2022
- London Jesuit Centre: Lent retreat londonjesuitcentre.churchsuite.com/events
- Mission Together: Lent resources missiontogether.org.uk/calendar/lent
If you know of other resources we could share, please email [email protected]
- Live Simply initiative, inviting parishioners to a soup and chat every Friday.
- The Real Easter Egg is being given to children from the Meaningful Chocolate Company.
- Screening the Global Healing films and discussing after as a group.
- Hosting a Lenten Lunch to raise money for charities.
- Have group conversations around Laudato Si’ focused topics. (e.g. environment, living in solidarity)
- Fairtrade coffee morning
“Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves… What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.”